Grameen Shakti Samajik Byabosha Ltd. is a limited company incorporated under XViii section of Companies Act, 1994. Which was established on December 02, 2010. Grameen Shakti Samajik Byabosh Ltd. has so far invested Rs 45.44 crore in equity and disbursed Rs 85.96 crore in debt from Grameen Telecom. Grameen Telecom owns 83.30% of the company.
Since 2014, Grameen Shakti Samajik Byabosh Ltd. has started implementing innovative programs developed by Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus Sir. “Nobin Uddokta” is a social business. With the aim of creating entrepreneurship from unemployment, Dr. Muhammad Yunus sir's slogan "We do not want jobs, we will give jobs" is born of the new program. The main objective of this program is to reduce the problem of unemployment from the society as well as the country by creating employment by creating entrepreneurs. At present unemployment problem is the significant main problem of Bangladesh. Nobin Uddokta program mainly helps the country's low income or fully unemployed young educated or illiterate men and women to become successful entrepreneurs by providing business capital.