June 3rd, 2024

Mobile Phone & Telecenter: A comparative case study of Bangladesh & Uganda

The village phone program in Bangladesh, developed by Grameen Bank, aims to provide easy access to telephone services, initiate new income earning opportunities, and spread the information revolution to rural areas. The Nakaseke Community Telecenter in Uganda, part of the Acacia initiative, focuses on providing community telecenters with a range of ICT services. The project has been replicated in other countries and is considered a successful example of ICTD. From the beneficiaries' perspective, the analysis reveals that existing ICt4d projects are still discriminatory, benefiting well-off rural communities more than marginalized groups. The empowerment formula of existing ICt4d needs further scrutiny from a capability enhancement perspective for claiming rights. From the duty bearers' perspective, ICT4d projects need to shift from a conventional development approach, focusing on human rights and linking development with rights. VPP and Nakaseke MCT programs need redesign to prioritize people over passive ICT services, ensuring illiterate and poor community members have minimal computer and internet functionality, and special trainers are required for this group.

Source: Rubayat Ahsan,March, 2008

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